Wednesday 10 June 2009

Its June

June is here

the boys have done their exams and done well, Blackpool football tournament came and went without incident the boys got to the 1/4 finals and lost 3-2 good weekend had by all.

Kate is away in the states at the moment there is a big shuffle going on at work so we will watch this space. I applied for a postmans job but doidnt get it so thus far unemployed still. We went snowboarding for a couple of hours earlier in the month when the kids were off and Kate had a ski ing lesson for 3 hours we all enjoyed it.

The Garden is coming along plants are springing up and the veg plot is blooming too with all the veg seeming to do well. The chickens are still giving us eggs and we are selling them now. Been cycling a lot on my new bike and watching the Giro and the Dauphene on the laptop and opened up a twitter account.


Slumdog millionaire

the wrestler

7 pounds

da vinci code


ashes to ashes

the mentalist

gardeners world

listening to

classical chillout

the smiths

the Raconteurs

maximo park

Looking forward to the trip to the lakes havent been for ages